Greater Dijon’s attractiveness agency


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Meet the Team

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Dijon Bourgogne Invest has 7 dedicated employees who are totally committed to the success of your project be it installation, expansion or acquisition.

Image de profil de Catherine PETITJEAN
Catherine PETITJEAN President
Image de profil de Stéphane BOSSAVIT
Stéphane BOSSAVIT Chief Executive Officer
Image de profil de Chloé SLOMA
Chloé SLOMA Communications Manager
Image de profil de Emmanuel BUGHIN
Emmanuel BUGHIN Business Manager
Image de profil de Enzo LADISA
Enzo LADISA Business Manager
Image de profil de Sarah FREITAG
Sarah FREITAG Executive assistant & support to authorities
Image de profil de Chantal RÉMOND
Chantal RÉMOND Accountant
Image de profil de Corentin DE ARAUJO
Corentin DE ARAUJO Apprentice Communications Manager
Image de profil de Caroline CHANLON
Caroline CHANLON Osanah Communication

DBI is managed by business leaders who know and live the region on a daily basis.


DBI governance

General Meeting made up of the main stakeholders in the metropolitan economy
18-member executive board, including 15 local business leaders
Team of 6 employees based at the Métropole offices

The 18-member Executive Board is made up of 3 greater Dijon representatives and 15 business leaders

Image de profil de Rémy JEANNIN
Rémy JEANNIN Executive Board member, Chief Executive Officer of SAVOYE and Chief Executive Officer of UIMM Côte-d'Or
Image de profil de Danielle JUBAN
Danielle JUBAN Association Associate Director. Director Greater Dijon Economic Development, Attractiveness, and Trade Shows
Image de profil de Vincent THOMAS
Vincent THOMAS Director Burgundy University
Image de profil de Philippe GUERIT
Philippe GUERIT Director, Health. Former General Director PROTEOR and Director of SANTENOV and BFCARE
Image de profil de Jérôme RICHARD
Jérôme RICHARD Director, Digital. Founder Concept network. General Delegate, Numéum and Syntech BFC
Image de profil de Emmanuel VEY
Emmanuel VEY Director, Start-Ups. General Director, Crédit Agricole Champagne Bourgogne and Village by CA
Image de profil de Thierry BIEVRE
Thierry BIEVRE Director, Buildings and Energy. Managing Director, Elithis
Image de profil de Xavier MIREPOIX
Xavier MIREPOIX Association Treasurer. Former CCI President, President Ecole des Métiers
Image de profil de Jérôme BALLET
Jérôme BALLET Association Associate Treasurer. President Caisse d’Epargne BFC Board of Directors
Image de profil de Frédéric CREN
Frédéric CREN Executive Board Member. CEO Inventiva Pharma
Image de profil de Catherine PETITJEAN
Catherine PETITJEAN Executive Board Member. Chief Executive Officer, Mulot et Petitjean
Image de profil de Jean-Philippe PORCHEROT
Jean-Philippe PORCHEROT Executive Board Member. Chief Executive Officer ATOL CD
Image de profil de Rodolphe ROY
Rodolphe ROY Executive Board Member. Director ATS Ingenierie
Image de profil de Franck BOLDRON
Franck BOLDRON Executive Board Member. Chief Executive Officer URGO Industries
Image de profil de Marie-Hélène JUILLARD-RANDRIAN
Marie-Hélène JUILLARD-RANDRIAN Association Secretary. Head SME, Start-Ups, Research and Technology Transfer for greater Dijon
Image de profil de Marie-Claire BESANCON
Marie-Claire BESANCON Association Associate Secretary. Associate General Director, greater Dijon and City of Dijon. Delegate to Attractiveness and Outreach, Head Economic Development and Higher Education
Image de profil de Sandrine VANNET
Sandrine VANNET Executive Board Member. Managing Director SEB, HR Director SEB & SEB Moulinex Group, HR Associate Director SEB Group
Image de profil de Christophe RICHARDOT
Christophe RICHARDOT Executive Board Member. General Director Dijon Céréales
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